Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I recently finished the book "Never Let you Go" by Erin Healy. I am guessing it is what someone would call "Christian Fiction." The book was definitely a page turner and it kept me hooked until the end. That did not really surprise me, as this author tends to do that. What did surprise me was what I learned.

I always have known the importance of forgiveness. You hear how forgiving someone actually releases you from the struggle. What I had never thought of, and what this book spoke to was the fact that holding unforgiveness gives the enemy a foothold. Now this sounds pretty straight forward, but is it really? In the book the main character Lexi holds anger towards her husband, this then allows for a man named Warden to influence her thoughts and actions negatively. Eventually it becomes clear that Warden is not really a man at all, but is instead a demon. As the story unfolds you can see how many people are influenced by the unforgiveness she holds.

If you really want to live your life in love, it is impossible to holdunforgiveness, judgement, anger (or whatever you call it) towards someone. If you do, that fact will spread into all areas of your life, whether you realize it or not.

- Brooke Nielsen 

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